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Penguin Parade Visitors Centre

ProjectPenguin Parade Visitors Centre
ClientKane Constructions

Penguin Parade Visitors Centre

ACE Landscape project entailed restoring 6.7HA of penguin habitat and creating new habitat for 1400 breeding penguins at Phillip Island in Victoria. In addition, the scope of works included updating the visitors centre to include education, training and research wings to the building.

ACE Landscape was involved in the following scope of works:

  • 40,000m3 of earthworks incl stripping,
  • cut and fill 2555sqm of exposed aggregate concrete,
  • 2700 tonnes of asphalt laid,
  • 950sqm of timber decking build,
  • 56,400 sqm of garden beds,
  • Local bluestone and Sandstone used extensively throughout and massive task of planting over 30,000 plants & trees.

The centre is visited by thousands of international visitors per year and is a magnificent conservation facility.

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